121st Graduation Speakers

121st Graduation Speakers


Message by the President, Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai.
Read the Morning Address at this link.
Read the Afternoon Address at this link.
Address by the Graduation Speaker Professor Norihito

President and Professor Emeritus of Hokkaido University can be read at
this link.
by Most Outstanding Doctoral Graduate, Mr. Arshad Mahmood can be
read at this link.
by Prominent Alumnus Mr. Sumate Tanthuwanich, President,
Managing Director and  Executive Director, Regional Container
Lines (RCL) Public Company Limited. 
Message by Most
Outstanding Master's Graduate, Mrs. Shubhechchha Sharma can be
read at this link.

Address by H.E. Mr. Jesús Miguel Sanz, Ambassador– Head of
the Delegation of the  European Union to Thailand and
  Professorial Address by Prof. Nitin Kumar
Tripathi can be read at this link.
  Message by Most Outstanding Doctoral
Graduate, Mr. Anshul Agarwal can be read at this link.
  Message by Prominent Alumnus, Dr. Yuan
Derun, Education and Training Program Manager Network of Aquaculture
Centres in Asia-Pacific can be read at this link.
  Message by Most Outstanding Master's
Graduate, Mr. Mohammad Dalower Hossain can be read at this link.