EU delegates meet Erasmus students

EU delegates meet Erasmus students

Mr. Attila Nyitrai, Deputy Head of Delegation of EU in Thailand,
stated that EU was committed to creating a new generation of leaders by
investing in education programs. He cited mobility as one of the
strongest aspects of the Erasmus Mundus program. Earlier in the day,
Mr. Nyitrai had delivered the Graduation Speech on behalf of the H.E.
Mr. Jesús Miguel Sanz, Ambassador– Head of the Delegation of the
European Union to Thailand and Laos.

Mr. Nyitrai was accompanied by Mr. Mads Kom, Attaché (Cooperation),
Delegation of the European Union to Thailand, based in Bangkok.

AIT students talked about their personal experience with EU programs,
and narrated the advantages of student mobility. Sharing their
enthusiasm, students described the EU exchange program as life changing
experience. Students present during the interaction included Mr.Prakash
Madhav Nimbalkar of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems;
Mr. Paul Honore of Computer Science and Information Management; Hoang
Bao Phu of Urban Environmental Engineering; Huynh Hai Van of
Environmental Engineering and Management; and Siriwan Kitchot of School
of Management. While Siriwan is a Doctoral student, all others are
Master’s students.

Dr. Raphael Duboz, seconded faculty from CIRAD, represented the AIT
faculty during the interaction. Ms. Carol Guzman, of External Relations
and Communications Office (ERCO); Ms. Rawiwan Kongluer, Executive
Secretary to CEO, Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences; and
Ms. Mayuree Jaisai, Research Assistant from AIT’s School of Engineering
and Technology, who participated in the Eramus staff exchange mobility
program also participated in the interaction and recounted some of
their experiences.

Dr. Sahas Bunditkul, former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand and
member, AIT Executive Committee, and Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai,
Interim President, AIT thanked the EU delegation for their support to
AIT and honored them with a token of appreciation. Prof. Kanchana
Kanchanasut, Interim Vice President for Research; Dr. Louis Hornyak,
Director, Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology; Mr. Karma Rana,
Institute Secretary; and Dr. Gabrielle Groves, Head, External Relations
and Communications Office (ERCO) represented AIT on the occasion.