OP Jindal University seeks collaboration with AIT

OP Jindal University seeks collaboration with AIT

The delegation included Prof. Sanjeev Sahni, Principal Director,
Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences, and Lt. Gen (retd.) Dr.
Rajesh Kochhar, Director, International Relations, Outreach and
Capacity Building.

Visiting AIT on 29 April 2014, the visitors expressed their admiration
of AIT’s long history and internationality. Prof. Sahni elaborated on
the ‘study abroad’ program of their university, and expressed his
desire to partner with AIT. Dr. Kochhar remarked that the two
universities could jointly conduct training and capacity building

The delegation interacted with Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, AIT’s
Interim President; Prof. Sivanappan Kumar, Vice President for Academic
Affairs; Prof. Nitin Kumar Tripathi of School of Engineering and
Technology (SET); Ms. Wannapa Pliansri, Coordinator, Royal Thai
Government, External Relations and Communications Office (ERCO); Mr.
Md. Zia Islam, Senior Academic Officer, School of Management; and Mr.
Arthur Lance Gonzales, Assistant Program Officer, ERCO.

More details about OP Jindal Global University are available at this
link: http://www.jgu.edu.in