Yokohama National University finalizes partnership with AIT

Yokohama National University finalizes partnership with AIT
Yokohama National University (YNU) and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) have finalized a partnership agreement aimed at student and faculty exchange.
At AIT on 12 May 2014, Prof. Fumihiko Nakamura, Dean, Graduate School
of Urban Innovation, Yokohama National University, discussed modalities
of admission and study programs for the exchange students. Under the
agreement, both AIT and Yokohama University will select exchange
students, while the host institution will decide on the final
admission. The first batch of exchange students are expected to begin
their programs in 2015.A faculty exchange program was also discussed by Prof. Nakamura with
his AIT counterparts. A Memorandum of Understand (MoU) and a Memorandum
of Agreement (MoA) between AIT and Yokohama National University has
also been signed to facilitate student and faculty exchange
programs.Prof. Nakamura, who has served at AIT as Assistant Professor from
1992-1995, was welcomed by the Institute’s Interim President Prof.
Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai. Prof. Worsak appreciated the strengthening of
ties with Yokohama National University.

Deliberating on student and faculty exchange issues with YNU were Dr.
Donyaprueth Krairit, Interim Dean, School of Management and Dr. Kyoko
Kusakabe of School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD),
who is AIT’s contact person for the partnership.

Visiting faculty members from Japan, Dr. Masahiko Nagai and Dr.
Akiyuki Kawasaki of School of Engineering and Technology (SET) also
participated in the meeting along with Dr. Gabrielle Groves, Head,
External Relations and Communications Office (ERCO); and Ms. Sumana
Shrestha, Program Officer, ERCO. Dr. Kawasaki is an alumnus of

More details about YNU are available at this link: