AIT student wins scholarship award to attend International Horticultural Conference

AIT student wins scholarship award to attend International Horticultural Conference

Krishna, who is pursuing his doctorate in Agri Business Management
under the supervision of Prof. Ganesh Shivakoti of AIT’s School of
Environment, Resources and Development (SERD), will be attending the
29th International Horticultural Congress from 17-22 August 2014 in
Brisbane, Australia.

Krishna will be delivering a poster presentation at the symposium
where he will showcase his research work based on his paper titled
“Impacts of a New Post-harvest Drying Technology on the Horticultural
Seed Value Chain in Nepal.” The scholarship award includes round trip
air travel, lodging, full conference registration feeds, visa and

The paper is coauthored by Krishna along with P Dahal and K J Bradfor
of University of California, Davis, USA; K Kunusoth of Acharya N G
Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, India; J Van Asbrouck of
Rhino Research Group, Bangkok, Thailand; I Pandey of Center for
Agricultural Policy Research, Extension and Development (CEAPRED),
Lalitpur, Nepal; J Bajracharya of Nepal Agricultural Research Council
(NARC), Kathmandu, Nepal; and Prof. Ganesh Shivakoti of AIT.

More details about the conference are available at this link: