63 students from 16 countries​ across 3 continents​ graduate ​from AIT​

63 students from 16 countries​ across 3 continents​ graduate ​from AIT​

Out of the 63 graduands, 17 were from Thailand, nine from Myanmar,
seven from Indonesia, six from Sri Lanka, four each from Pakistan and
People’s Republic of China and three from Vietnam. Afghanistan, India,
Nepal, and Timor-Leste with two graduands each; and Argentina,
Bangladesh, Lao PDR, The Philippines, and Tanzania with one each were
the other countries of origin of the graduating students.

Congratulating the graduands, Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut, Interim Vice
President for Research, hoped that the students will maintain the
spirit of camaraderie and friendship, and will contribute towards the
wellbeing of humanity. It is a proud moment for you as it is a
recognition of your accomplishments and efforts, Prof. Kanchana
remarked. She mentioned that Graduation is an opportune occasion for
the students to pay tribute to their Professors who taught and guided
them. It is also time to thank partners and donors who supported the
students, she added.

Dr. Rajendra Shrestha, Chair, Academic Senate; Prof. C Visvanathan,
Interim Dean, School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD);
Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Interim Dean, School of Engineering
and Technology (SET), and Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit, Interim Dean, School
of Management (SOM) presented their students before the Interim Vice
President for the award of degrees.

Out of the 63 students, seven obtained Doctoral degrees, 49 got their
Master’s degrees and seven were awarded Bachelor’s degrees.
Thirty-three graduates came from SET, while 18 came from SERD and eight
from SOM. Four graduates came from inter school programs.