Message of Chairman, AIT Board of Trustees on the appointment of President of AIT

Message of Chairman, AIT Board of Trustees on the appointment of President of AIT

Professor Worsak is the first AIT alumnus and first Asian to
be selected as the president of AIT in its fifty-four year
history. Professor Worsak has had a very illustrious career and
received his B. Eng (Hon.) from Chulalongkorn University in 1971,
M. Eng from AIT in 1973, and Ph.D. as a Fulbright Scholar from the
University of California, Berkeley in 1978. He rejoined AIT in
1979, where he has served as Assistant, Associate and Full
Professor, Former Dean of School of Civil Engineering (SCE),
Founding Dean of School of Engineering and Technology (SET), Vice
President for Resource Development, and from 1 July 2013 as
Interim President of AIT. Further details on Professor Worsak’s
professional background and accomplishments is available at the
below link:

In response to the message sent by the President of the AIT
Alumni Association (AITAA) on 18 July 2014, referring to the
conduct of business of the Board of Trustees at its meeting held
on 17 July 2014, and the appointment of Professor Worsak
Kanok-Nukulchai as President of the AIT, I wish to bring to your
immediate attention the following:

The conduct of business of the Board in relation to the agenda of
the meeting followed all Institute rules and regulations, and was
made in accordance with the current bye-laws (article 2.3) which
states that the draft agenda containing all proposed items of
business known at that time shall be sent to all members at least
two weeks in advance of the meeting. The draft of the proposed
agenda for the 17 July 2014 Board meeting was duly circulated to
trustees on 23 June 2014. Any changes or any additional business,
proposed by any member of the Board, can be made either prior to
and/or adopted at the meeting.

The Board of Trustees at its meeting held on 22 January 2013
had decided that the search for the next AIT President will be
handled by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee
subsequently appointed a Sub-Committee on the Presidential Search
Committee (PSC). At the 17 July 2014 Board meeting under my
chairmanship, the Chairman of the Executive Committee together
with the Chairman of the Presidential Search Committee (PSC)
briefed the Board on the work of the PSC and its process in
screening the applications and put forward its
recommendation on the appointment of the President. Upon receiving
the report and the recommendation from the Executive Committee,
and given the importance and urgency of the matter, I proposed to
the Board to include and adopt an agenda item on the appointment
of the President, which was duly acknowledged by the majority of
the Board, and subsequently adopted.

Professor Worsak was requested to leave the meeting room during
the deliberations on this agenda item. The Board deliberated in
length on this important matter taking into due consideration that
Professor Worsak understands the current challenges and problems
faced by the AIT, especially the current financial fragility,
which requires regularization of relationship with the host
government. The Board noted that the continuation of Professor
Worsak is thus vital for the stability of AIT, and that after his
presidential term, AIT should expect to be in an improved
financial health, which will allow a new President Search to be
successful in attracting strong candidates for the AIT President
position. It is important to add that prior to the decision of the
Board on the presidential appointment I clearly stated that
despite my personal interventions, and the strong
recommendation made by the PSC as well as the Executive Committee,
Professor Worsak did not show any personal interest in the
position as President. Given
the sensitivity of the matter, and points raised by the President
of the AIT Alumni Association, I wish to quote the below text from
the report of the PSC which was submitted to the Executive
Committee, and verbally reported to the Board by the PSC

“ PSC members recognize that Professor Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai does
not show his personal interest as he did not apply for the job.
Despite that, the PSC hopes that as a distinguished alumnus and a
person who has spent his entire career with AIT, Professor Worsak
Kanok-Nukulchai will accept the appointment as AIT President if he
is so offered the job. The PSC recognizes that Professor Worsak
Kanok-Nukulchai has publicly stated his desire to not be a
candidate for the position of President of AIT. If the Board of
Trustees follows the PSC recommendation, AIT will be exposing him
to potential very damaging criticism for misleading colleagues and
friends of AIT. The PSC therefore strongly recommends that if
Professor Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai does choose to accept the
recommended appointment, the Board of Trustees and Professor
Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai will work together to prepare appropriate,
carefully-worded statements for the stakeholders of AIT and the
press that will preserve his integrity. The PSC recognizes that
this sensitive issue, if mishandled could harm both Professor
Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai and AIT, and indeed jeopardise progress in
accomplishing the needed changes.”

The Board, which consisted of 25 members attending after its
lengthy deliberation on this matter, finally endorsed the
recommendation from the Executive Committee to appoint Professor
Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai as President of AIT, with only one member,
President of the AITAA objecting. The Institute bye-laws states
that the President shall be
appointed by the Board by a two-third majority of those present
and voting, and the motion to appoint Professor Worsak
Kanok-Nukulchai as President of AIT was duly passed and voted by
more than two-thirds majority of those present, under the agenda
item 1.5 the Report of the Executive Committee and the
Presidential Search Progress.

I trust the above clarifies all matters and for the sustainable
and brighter future of our beloved AIT let us all join in wishing
Professor Worsak success in his very challenging assignment and
also extend our fullest support to him.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Subin Pinkayan
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)