PASCO to offer scholarship to AIT student

PASCO to offer scholarship to AIT student

This was announced following the signing of a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) by Dr. Tadashi Sasagawa, Vice President, PASCO
Corporation with AIT on 7 July 2014. The MoU also envisages joint
research between PASCO and AIT, and offering internships to AIT

Signing the MoU, Dr. Sasagawa stated that the MoU has a five-fold
purpose including capacity building for PASCO, obtaining human resource
expertise from AIT, networking in the ASEAN region, collaborating with
local companies, and offering scholarships.

Elaborating on their company, Dr. Sasagawa stated that the name PASCO
originates from Pacific Aerosurvey Corporation, and it is the largest
remote sensing and photogrammetry company in Japan. The company is
focusing on formulating joint programs with academia, and their
partnership with Tokyo University is a flagship program.

Dr. Sasagawa was accompanied by Mr. Masanori Yoshida, Managing
Director, PASCO Thailand Co., Ltd.

Welcoming the delegation from PASCO, Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto, Vice
President for Resource Development, AIT, appreciated the gesture of
offering scholarship to an AIT student. AIT was represented by Prof.
Nitin Kumar Tripathi, Dr. Masahiko Nagai, Dr. Shinichi Nakamura, Prof.
Haruo Sawada, Dr. Taravudh Tipdecho, Dr. Sarawut Ninsawat, and Mr.
Sanit Arunpold, all from Remote Sensing and Geographical Information
Systems (RS/GIS) field of study, School of Engineering and Technology
(SET); and Ms. Sumana Shrestha of External Relations and Communications
Office (ERCO).