AIT held in ‘highest esteem’ in Bhutan : Ambassador

AIT held in ‘highest esteem’ in Bhutan : Ambassador

Describing himself as an “admirer of AIT,” the Ambassador remarked
that AIT’s vision of sustainable development of the region matches with
the requirements of the global economy. As the world is seized of the
discourse on post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), AIT’s
vision becomes more relevant, he added.

The Ambassador complimented AIT for contributing towards international
understanding and friendship among nations. As a student of diplomacy,
I can say that the role played by AIT in creating harmony is admirable,
he added.

Congratulating Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai on his appointment as AIT
President, Ambassador Wangdi hoped that AIT’s growth would acquire a
steeper trajectory.

Prof. Worsak thanked the Ambassador for his appreciation, and
mentioned the historic role that AIT had played in capacity building in
Asia. AIT played a significant role in enhancing knowledge and human
resources in Taiwan, China and Vietnam, when these countries starting
opening up, Prof. Worsak said. AIT continues to perform the same role
for students from Afghanistan, Nepal, Timor Leste, Laos, and Cambodia.
After the turbulence in Sri Lanka, AIT has engaged itself in capacity
building in the island nation, and it is now working along with the
Government of Norway to help Myanmar, the AIT President added.

Ambassador Wangdi also stated that the Royal Bhutanese Embassy is
considering appointing a point person for AIT affairs, and that it
would like to play a greater role in AIT affairs. This will help Bhutan
engage with AIT in a cogent, coherent and enhanced manner, he

The Ambassador was introduced to AIT, and acquainted with the wide
range of offerings of its constituents including the School of
Environment, Resources and Development represented by its Interim Dean,
Prof. C. Visvanathan; School of Management (SOM) represented by Prof.
Nazrul Islam; School of Engineering and Technology represented by Dr.
Bonaventura H.W. Hadikusumo; AIT Habitech Center represented by its
Interim Director Mr. Gyanendra Sthapit; AIT Extension represented by
Dr. Fazle Karim; and AIT Consulting represented by Mr. Thaung Htut

Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut, Interim Vice President for Research; Prof.
Kazuo Yamamoto, Interim Vice President for Resource Development; Mr.
Karma Rana, Institute Secretary; Dr. Gabrielle Groves, Head, External
Relations and Communications Office (ERCO); Ms. Sumana Shrestha,
Program Officer, ERCO; and Mr. Md. Zia Islam, Senior Academic Officer,
SOM, also attended the meeting.