AIT to work with Innovative Water Center (iWc) Cambodia

AIT to work with Innovative Water Center (iWc) Cambodia

Welcomed to the campus by AIT Vice President for Resources and
Development Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto, iWc director Prof. Euiso Choi, and
Prof. Seok Dockko, department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Dankook University explained details of their new center’s work in

So far iWc has set up demonstration and educational facilities for eco
toilets, rock filters, and recycling and float cleaners, as well as
community drinking water and membrane drinking water systems in Kompong
Speu and Siem Reap, respectively.

Learning details of AIT’s strengths in areas such as environmental
engineering and management and water engineering, and its regional and
international level of partnerships, the visitors expressed keen
interest in collaborating for the next three year period. The center is
also interested to expand its work to neighboring countries such as
Myanmar and Laos, Prof. Choi said.

iWc was established in 2013 with the support of the Korean Ministry of
Science, ICT and Future Planning, and the National Research Foundation.
It studies the water-food-energy nexus, conducting R&D for water
problems and the application of appropriate solutions for local
environments, including training.

“Considering AIT’s technical expertise, its regional and international
reach, and the fact that the issues cross national borders, AIT can be
a platform for iWc to gain a regional perspective,” Prof. Yamamoto
said, inviting the center and the Government of Republic of Korea to
work directly with AIT on the issues of water and sanitation.

Prof. Choi, who is also Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Korea University, agreed to the cooperation overture
saying: “It’s the right time for us and we are at the right place.”

To start, Dr. Sangam Shrestha invited iWc to become a partner at the
upcoming AIT Water-Energy-Food Conference in November 2014. During the
meeting both sides agreed to explore further possibilities for
cooperation on Korean seconded faculty and trainers to AIT, as well as
internships and research opportunities for AIT students at iWc. Assoc.
Prof. Oleg Shipin of AIT’s environmental engineering and management
field of study will be the contact counterpart for developing closer
partnership with iWc.

“AIT wishes to re-vitalize our relationship with the Republic of
Korea,” emphasized Prof. Yamamoto, offering hope that the ROK might
consider scholarships for young Korean scholars to attend AIT as a way
to engage the region directly on a research and development

The meeting was facilitated by the AIT Fundraising Office and was
attended by Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Interim Dean, School of
Engineering and Technology (SET), Dr. Oleg Shipin, Associate Professor,
School of Environment, Resources and Development, Dr. Sangam Shrestha,
Assistant Professor, Water Engineering and Management (SET), Mr.
Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Fundraising Director and Interim Director of Alumni
Affairs and Ms. Lucena Talaid, Program Officer, Fundraising Office.