“You represent the successful 16% of all applicants to AIT who were
accepted,” AIT's Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Sivanappan
Kumar said, adding that fifty accepted students, or one in eight,
ranked in the top 1% of their previous class and one hundred cracked
the top 5%.
Speaking on behalf of AIT President Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, the vice
president informed that the newest batch of students represented 34
countries. Students came from every continent except South America and
Antarctica, he said.
Thai nationals formed the largest single group, followed by Myanmar,
Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, India, France, Cambodia and
Bangladesh to round out the top ten. Apart from most countries in Asia,
27 students hailed from Europe, 10 came from Africa and one each
arrived from North America and Oceania.
With fifty or more additional students expected to enroll in the
coming weeks, the incoming class so far was made up of 70% Master’s
students and 30% PhD level students. “It is very significant that 43%
of the class is female,” Prof. Kumar added.
Opening the day-long program, the VP explained the mission of AIT as
capacity building for the sustainable development in the region.
Students join at a momentous time of growth for Asia-Pacific region, he
said, as it is expected to lead the world in the 21st Century. The
ASEAN Economic Community to be launched next year is one notable
Himself an alumnus, Prof. Kumar spoke of the long legacy of success of
AIT’s 20,000-plus alumni who consistently occupy high-ranking
professional positions across industry, academia, government and
international organizations. “You will soon join this distinguished
club,” he said, as he offered six points of advice for success at
Take a course that is unfamiliar to you and challenging, get to know
your faculty well, hold yourself to a high-level of ethical conduct and
manage your time well, he suggested.
“Each of you will have an advisor, and there are plenty of people to
help you if and when you have problems along the way,” Prof. Kumar
explained, telling all in the audience that two numbers must be
attained in order to graduate: a 2.75 CGPA and a level 6 in the English
“Thank you for choosing AIT, we are happy that you are all here with
us. This is the start of your long journey as a member of our AIT
family, and we look forward to your future success,” Prof. Kumar said,
on behalf of the Institute.
Professor Kanchana Kanchanasut, Vice President for Research, also
welcomed the students by emphasizing that AIT is entering an exciting
phase, as Asia grows. She encouraged the students to ask sound
questions; and then search for a solution. “A research institute like
AIT will leave you with a lifetime ability to be a good researcher,”
Prof. Kanchana said.
In his remarks, Prof. Chettiyappan Visvanathan, Interim Dean of the
School of Environment, Resources and Development, announced that of the
more than 800 applicants to the school, 160 had been admitted. He
echoed the VP Research, telling the newcomers that AIT expects students
to be problem-solvers. “Make use of the amazing international network
of classmates and colleagues you will find during your time here,” he
Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Interim Dean of the School of
Engineering and Technology asked members of the audience to “look to
your left and look to your right” as they started their journey. “You
all will become regional leaders in twenty years.”
Interim Dean of the School of Management Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit
stressed the real need for graduate students to manage their time but
at the same time to enjoy the campus experience. We are proud of AIT’s
legacy, so think about the impact you too can make and the challenges
you can tackle in the future, she said.
AIT Student Union (SU) President Mr. Abhishek Bahadur Shah introduced
the full SU team, and announced some upcoming SU activities, such as
the Student Union welcome dinner. He invited all of the new students to
get involved with the SU saying, “Coming together is a beginning,
keeping together is progress, working together is success.”
The master of ceremony for the Orientation was Mrs. Laarni B. Roa,
Head, Student Office. Afternoon sessions included talks on student code
of conduct and ethical behavior, academic requirements, languages and
student welfare, and other campus services available to students. Dr.
Tenzin Rabgyal, Coordinator, Admissions and Scholarship Office,
organized the event and was master of ceremony for the afternoon