H.E. Mr. Roded remarked that innovations that germinate in academic
institutions equip the industry and the private sector to become more
competitive.The remarks by the Ambassador were welcomed by the AIT President Prof.
Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, who stated that this was in tune with the
vision enunciated by the Chairman of the AIT Board of Trustees, H.E.
Dr. Subin Pinkayan, who is keen to embark on an engineering leadership
and entrepreneurship program.H.E. Mr. Roded appreciated the role that Institutions like AIT play in
equipping students to become leaders. The ambassador said he wished to
explore possibilities of future cooperation, while resuming past
Prof. Worsak highlighted the role that AIT has played in the region in
academics, research and outreach. Highlighting new initiatives, Prof.
Worsak stated that AIT, along with Governments of France, Germany,
United Kingdom; and organizations like UNESCAP, UNEP and FAO, will be
organizing a regional forum on Climate Change in July 2015, which will
contribute to the 21st Conference of the Parties on Climate
Change(COP21). The AIT President also sought faculty and expert
exchanges from Israel, and proposed holding a joint workshop on
creativity and innovation.
Dr. Subin stated that AIT is a regional institution which can become a
hub in various themes including water, food, energy, infrastructure and
environment. AIT can host an ASEAN Water Academy, and it would be a
perfect institution to act as a coordinator of an ASEAN Power Grid.
Food security is another critical issue, and we need to focus on
postharvest technologies to produce value-added products, Dr. Subin
said. Elaborating on infrastructure, Dr. Subin focussed on transport,
communication and logistics, adding that AIT could take a lead in ASEAN
logistics and networking. “Further, AIT could be the place where we can
demonstrate the concept of a ‘green city’ leding a pilot project for a
city of 100,000-500,000 people,” Dr. Subin added.
Also attending the meeting were Prof. Sivanappan Kumar, Vice President
for Academic Affairs; Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Dean, School of
Engineering and Technology (SET); Prof. Jayant Kumar Routray, Acting
Dean, School of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD); Prof.
Mukand Singh Babel, Director, Sustainable Development in the Context of
Climate Change (SDCC); Dr. Jonathan Shaw, Executive Director, AIT
Extension; Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Director, Fundraising; and Dr.
Gabrielle Groves, Head, External Relations and Communications Office