Mr. Yasuo Yanagi and Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto
Japan’s Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd. (MRC) will send one of its employees to earn a one-year diploma at the Asian Institute of Technology starting in August 2015.
The company has agreed to provide a full scholarship for a selected
Japanese staff member to enroll in the Environmental Engineering
Management (EEM) program of the AIT School of Environment, Resources
and Development. The scholarship will cover tuition fees, accommodation
and all associated expenses for the selected student, and is valued at
560,000 Baht.
MRC’s scholarship was made possible by a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA)
and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) inked on 12 March 2015 at AIT in
Thailand. Signing on behalf of Mitsubishi Rayon, Mr. Yasuo Yanagi,
Director, Aqua Technology Administration Department, said his firm was
honored to be connected with AIT by the agreement.
AIT Vice President for Resources and Development Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto
expressed his thanks of behalf of AIT for the generous new partnership.
He also indicated his optimism that the tie-up would be the start of
more collaboration with the leading Japanese chemical firm.
Also on hand for the signing, Dr. Takanori Itonaga, Senior Manager
Business Development, MRC Rensui Asia Pte, Ltd., explained that his
firm sees many growth opportunities in Thailand and Southeast Asia. The
scholarship initiative with AIT is a way to boost its employees’
technical knowledge and increase their overall connection to the
region, he said.
"We appreciate the cooperation and hope to continue as long as
possible," Dr. Itonaga said.
Prof. Ajit P. Annachhatre, Coordinator EEM / SERD, expressed his thanks
on behalf of the Dean of the School of Environment, Resources and
Development and his EEM colleagues. Dr. Gabrielle Groves
Punyaratabandhu, Head, External Relations and Communications Office,
added that the tie-ups will allow Mitsubishi Rayon and AIT to forge a
close working partnership, such as staging technical conferences and
workshops. AIT hopes the relationship will be long term and mutually
beneficial, she said.
Following the signing ceremony, both officials toured the laboratory
facilities at the Environmental Engineering Management field of study
and Water Engineering and Management (WEM) field of study at the AIT
School of Engineering and Technology.