Dean Visvanathan gets full-page coverage in Daily Financial Times

Dean Visvanathan gets full-page coverage in Daily Financial Times
Dean of AIT’s School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD), Prof. C. Visvanathan has been the subject of a full-page feature interview published by the Daily Financial Times, Sri Lanka.
In a wide-ranging interview published on 20 April 2015 under the headline “‘Solid waste no more waste but like gold’ says Sri Lankan-born scientist C. Visvanathan,” the interview focuses on the potential of solid waste and AIT’s effort on the issue of solid waste
management“AIT has been very liberal in sharing its new discoveries and knowledge with anyone who wishes to use them for the furtherance of mankind. It can provide training, give technology support and even develop new technologies to suit individual customers to have better
solid waste management systems. It is also willing to develop linkages with other research institutions and universities to have collaborative technology development projects,” Prof. Visvanathan says in the interview.

Written by W.A Wijewardena, a former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, in his column “My view: Economics Matters,” the article covers various aspects of waste management, impact of urbanization, public health concerns of waste, climate change,
segregation of waste and adopting a holistic approach.

The article concludes by suggesting that Sri Lanka should adopt this public policy as a matter of priority. “It is up to Sri Lanka to tap this kind gesture by a world-renowned Sri Lanka-born scientist,” the author says.

The Daily FT or the Daily Financial Times is a daily English-language newspaper published in Colombo, Sri Lanka, by Wijeya Newspapers. It has three sister publications, The Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka), Sunday Times and Landeepa.

The entire interview can be downloaded from this link.