proposed many forms of mutually beneficial cooperation, such as staff
development for PEA employees to earn their Ph.D. at AIT, joint
research on renewable energy research such as solar and wind, and a
proposed Energy Excellence Center at AIT.
The PEA governor indicated interest to send some PEA staff to earn a
doctorate and proposed a joint committee to assess human capital and
research needs of PEA. “AIT can leverage its regional connectivity to
energy experts through its networks, and connect PEA to possible
opportunities in Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Myanmar,” President Worsak
On learning of AIT’s ongoing efforts to improve its campus utilities
and infrastructure, the governor also offered to send a team of experts
to study the state of the electrical network at AIT Campus.
President Worsak also briefed the PEA senior executives on the success
of AIT Library Modernization Fundraising Campaign, and invited PEA to
join as a contributing donor. The PEA governor indicated his
willingness to support the initiative as a part of its corporate social
responsibility programs.
Both sides agreed to formulate a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
as a framework for close corporation between the two organizations,
especially on human resources development and research.
The delegation also included Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul, AIT Energy field
of study; Ms. Wannapa Pliansri, Coordinator of RTG Relations; Ms.
Chalita Lertwinyu, Assistant to President, and Mr. Shawn Kelly, Senior
Media Specialist.