174 students receive honors on AIT’s 124th Graduation

174 students receive honors on AIT’s 124th Graduation

The AIT graduating batch included 80 students from Vietnam, 33 from
Myanmar and 28 from Thailand. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Lao-PDR,
Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka were the countries of origin of other
students, apart from a lone graduate from Switzerland.

Addressing the graduands was AIT alumnus and Vice President of
Software Development at Oracle Corporation Dr. Rafiul Ahad. In 1980,
Dr. Ahad had delivered a speech as an outstanding graduate of AIT, and
he returned to AIT in 2015 to deliver the commencement address.

Narrating his personal story as a stateless young man who could not
get a job despite degrees and qualifications, a young Rafiul painted
church walls and polished floors before he was introduced to AIT. “I am
grateful to AIT for admitting me to the first batch of computer science
in 1979, and also to the Royal Thai Government for granting me
scholarship to study,” Dr. Ahad reminisced. He recalled his first
meeting with Prof. Nawaz Sharif, who was heading the computer science
program, stating that his stint at AIT changed the trajectory of his

Asking students to inculcate the spirit of risk-taking, the graduation
speaker quoted four lessons from his life -- ability to take risk,
developing a passion for work, continue to acquire knowledge and
maintaining a work-life balance. Further, be fair to everyone and treat
everyone with respect regardless of social status and stature, he

Dr. Twarath Sutabutr, Director-General, Energy Policy and Planning
Office, Ministry of Energy delivered the message as AIT Prominent
Alumnus. Dr. Twarath, who received his Master of Engineering Degree in
Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering from AIT in 1992,
highlighted the role that AIT students could play in an increasingly
globalised and integrated world. Quoting examples he cautioned
graduands against sharing of false information that could lead to
harmful effects in the real life.

AIT President Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai reminded all students that
“AIT has always taken pride of its important role in resolving
transnational cross border challenges.” Mentioning the role played by
AIT in the run-up to the Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21), Prof.
Worsak stated that AIT will provide Asian solutions to Asian problems
in relation to climate change, while using global knowledge. He asked
students to maintain a strong association with their alma mater, and
hoped that one day, they too would help AIT to continue its mission of
serving future generations of world-class citizens.

The ceremony was conducted by Prof. Sivanappan Kumar, Vice President
for Academic Affairs. The three Deans -- Prof. Voratas
Kachitvichyanukul, Dean, School of Engineering and Technology (SET);
Prof. Chettiyappan Visvanathan of School of Environment, Resources and
Development (SERD); and Prof. Nazrul Islam of School of Management
(SOM) introduced the graduands. Dr. Muhammad Khalid Farooq of Energy
field of study delivered the message on behalf of all graduating
students. Students of AIT International School provided an intermission

Ambassadors who attended the event included H.E. Mr. Victor Ramirez
Pena, Ambassador of Cuba; H.E. Mrs. Mary Jo Bernardo Aragon, Ambassador
of the Philippines; H.E. Mrs. Kshenuka Senewiratne, Ambassador of Sri
Lanka; H.E. Mr. Khaga Nath Adhikari, Ambassador of Nepal.

Other representatives of Embassies and international organizations
include Mr. Chakkrid Krachaiwong, Director, International Organization
Administrative Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Phanh
Makara, First Secretary, Royal Embassy of Cambodia; Mr. Satoshi
Yoshida, Second Secretary, Embassy of Japan; and Dr. Suleeporn
Choopavang, Director of Foreign Affairs Department.

Other dignitaries included Prof. Charas Suwanwela,Chairperson,
University Council, Prince of Songkla University; Dr. Pornchai
Mongchovanit, President, Siam University; Dr. Cherdrak Virapat,
Director General Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific; Dr.
Viphandh Roengpithya, Member, AIT Board of Trustees; Dr. Chainarong Na
Lamphun, President and CEO, Index International Group; Dr. Duminda
Jayaranjan, Director SPS Global Corporation; and Dr. Lalit Johri,
Fellow in International Business and the Director of the Oxford
Advanced Management and Leadership Programme.

Students who graduated today had received scholarships from 43 sources
including five international organizations and foundations, five
governments, seven universities and colleges, 22 business and corporate
entities, and four other donors.

VIDEO: Video recording of the Graduation Ceremony is
available at this link: https://youtu.be/0zFMO9C9Z7M
PHOTO ALBUM: Two photo albums from the event are
available at these links:
Facebook (Album I:https://goo.gl/KG2Fb7, Album II: https://goo.gl/3Fk6pk).
Google+ Album I: https://goo.gl/OG1Guf, Album II https://goo.gl/bcWS6T

Dr. Rafiul Ahad delivering the commencement
address at AIT.