116 students from three continents join AIT

116 students from three continents join AIT

Students who have joined AIT in January 2016 are from Afghanistan,
Bangladesh, Cambodia, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Lao
PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, PR China, Sri Lanka, Thailand, USA, and Vietnam.
Eighty percent of the students enrolled in the January 2016 semester
have joined the Master’s program, while the remaining students are
enrolled in Doctoral and other special programs. Three-quarters of the
new students have joined the School of Engineering and Technology
(SET), while the remaining are enrolled in School of Environment,
Resources and Development (SERD), and School of Management (SOM).

Prof. Sivanappan Kumar, Vice President for Academic Affairs, welcomed
them at AIT and traced the history of the Magsaysay award winning
institute. “The mission of AIT is capacity building of young
professionals for sustainable development of the Asia-Pacific region
and beyond,” Prof. Kumar told the new students. He mentioned how AIT
alumni have excelled in governments, businesses, universities and the
non-governmental sector. An alumnus of AIT is now the Premier of
Taiwan, Prof. Kumar added.

Prof. Kumar also informed the students of AIT’s performance in
international rating and rankings stating that while Quacquarelli
Symonds (QS) had rated AIT with five stars in the three categories of
internationality, teaching, and facilities; it also awarded the
Institute a four star in its overall ratings. Similarly, U-Multirank
gave the top score to AIT for its International Orientation, making it
the only university in Asia to achieve this score. The Vice President
also asked students to maintain ethical standards in both academics and
in personal conduct at AIT. “Please remember that you are the brand
ambassador of your country and AIT,” he added.

The students were acquainted by the three Deans to their respective
schools — Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Dean, School of Engineering
and Technology (SET); Prof. Rajendra Shrestha, Dean, School of
Environment, Resources and Development (SERD); and Prof. Nazrul Islam,
Interim Dean,School of Management (SOM). President of the AIT Students
Union (AITSU), Mr. Jayasingam Adhuran informed the students about the
activities of AITSU.

Later, students were also briefed about various services offered at
AIT including Language Center Services and the English Language
Requirements, Campus wide IT Services, Student Code of Conduct, Ethical
Behavior and AIT Anti-Harassment Policy, Academic Requirements and
Practices, Student Welfare, Placement, Counseling and Medical Services,
Educational Visa and Government Relations Services, and Student
Accommodation and Facility Management. Mr. Laarni Roa, Head, Student
Office, and Dr. Tenzin Rabgyal, Coordinator, Admissions and Scholarship
Unit, conducted the day’s proceedings.

New students along with senior
officials of AIT pose in front of the AIT Globe.