Global consulting firm Pöyry seeks higher engagement with AIT

Global consulting firm Pöyry seeks higher engagement with AIT

At AIT on 2 February 2016, a four-member delegation led by Anja
Silvennoinen, Pöyry Executive Vice President identified energy and
water as potential fields of collaboration. They welcomed the
suggestion of working together in the field of hydropower, smart grids,
pulp and paper.

Introducing Pöyry, Mr. Knut Sierotzki, Director, Hydropower and
Renewable Asia, stated that with 6000 experts, their company implements
10,000 projects annually resulting in a revenue of 571 million Euros in
2015. “Nearly 100,000 MW of installed capacity in the hydropower sector
has gone through our desk since 1950, and is almost 10 per cent of the
global capacity,” he added. He mentioned that Pöyry and AIT have been
cooperating since the past three decades, and the hydraulic laboratory
at AIT has been the scene of many modelling studies. The two have also
cooperated in the field of telecom and pulp and paper technologies.

AIT President Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai remarked that AIT is moving
towards greater partnerships with the private sector. Citing the
Regional Forum on Climate Change (RFCC 2015) hosted by AIT in July
2016, Prof. Worsak said that this forum served as a platform for
various partners to prepare a joint ASEAN position paper for COP21. “We
have helped policy makers and practitioners to come together, and we
are now working closely with the private sector,” the AIT President
added. Prof. Worsak also explored a possible revival of partnership
with Pöyry in Pulp and Paper Technologies.

Anja Silvennoinen appreciated AIT’s endeavor to bridge the gap between
policy makers and practitioners, stating that she would like to know
more about the Institute. Also interacting with AIT were Dr.
Markku Oksanen, Vice President, Hydropower; and Mr. Petteri Harkki,
Managing Director, Thailand.

Dr. Abdul Salam of Energy Field of Study from AIT’s School of
Environment, Resources and Development (SERD); and Dr. Sanyogita
Andriyas of Water Engineering and Management Program from the School of
Engineering and Technology (SET) identified potential areas of
collaboration with Pöyry. Arturo Gementiza Roa of WEM highlighted the
work done at AIT’s Hydraulic Lab, stating that AIT has already executed
projects worth 31 million Baht for Pöyry.

Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto, Vice President for Resource Development; Prof.
Kanchana Kanchanasut, Vice President for Research; Prof. Prof. Ioan D
Marinescu, Senior Advisor to AIT President; Prof. Prof. Rajendra
Shrestha, Dean, SERD; Mr. Sanjeev Pradeep Jayasinghe, Director,
Fundraising; Mr. Karma Rana, Institute Secretary; Ms. Izel Ann M Dante,
Head, Administration; and Mr. Shawn Kelly, Acting Head, External
Relations and Communications Office (ERCO) also joined the

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