AIT scores eight A’s in U-Multirank, maintains excellence in its international orientation

AIT scores eight A’s in U-Multirank, maintains excellence in its international orientation

The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has bagged eight top scores in the 2016 U-Multirank, and continues to shine in its “International Orientation". The 2016 U-Multirank results announced in April 2016, have AIT scoring five A’s in “International Orientation,” two in “Knowledge Transfer,” and one in the category of “Research.”

AIT has also been profiled by U-Multirank as a “Top 25 Performer by selected indicators” in the field of continuous professional development.

In international orientation, AIT received 5 A’s in International Academic Staff, International Joint Publications, International Doctorate Degrees, and Foreign Language Bachelor and Master programmes.It earned a “B” grade in Student Mobility.

In the category of “Research,” AIT earned an “A” for External Research Income; while in terms of “Knowledge Transfer,” it earned  two A’s in Income from Continuous Professional Development, and Income from Private Sources.

AIT President Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai stated that the U-Multirank ranking is a testimony to AIT’s mission to serve the region with niche international education and its commitment to assist professional development of the region through lifelong learning knowledge transfer. “With QS recognizing three subject areas of AIT in its world rankings,
and Thailand Research Fund (TRF) awarding us the grand prize for bagging the most number of disciplines receiving perfect rating (TRF Rating 5) in Thailand, the 2016 U-Multirank result is a reaffirmation of AIT being the only true international institute of higher education and research in Asia.” Prof. Worsak said.

U-Multirank bases its rankings on six categories including teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional engagement. This is the third annual edition of U-Multirank, and it features 1,300 universities from 90 countries,
covering 3,250 faculties and 10,700 study programmes. It uses a multi-dimensional approach compares university performance across a range of different activities grading them from “A” (very good) to “E” (weak). Supported by the European Union, U-Multirank is developed and implemented by an independent consortium led by the Centre for Higher
Education (CHE) in Germany, the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) at the University of Twente and the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) from Leiden University, both in the Netherlands.

A detailed preview of AIT’s performance is available at this link: