Training program on Community Based Financial Inclusion and Microfinance concludes

Training program on Community Based Financial Inclusion and Microfinance concludes

Participants from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mozambique, Pakistan, Papua
New Guinea, Samoa, and Sierra Leone were awarded Certificates of
Partition in a ceremony organized by AIT Extension on 27 April 2016.
The program was  designed to provide concepts and practice of
financial inclusion and microfinance.

Stating that it was gratifying that participants from AIT programs
regularly encourage their colleagues to participate in future programs,
Dr. Sundar Venkatesh, Advisor to Executive Director, AIT Extension
added: “every program that we conduct has a visible impact.”

Dr. Jonathan Shaw, Executive Director, AIT Extension, highlighted the
uniqueness of AIT programs stating that they provided a unique
opportunity to participants in terms of training, exposure and
networking. Encouraging the participants to remain connected among
themselves as well as with AIT, Dr. Shaw asked them to provide feedback
from their practical community-level work.

Also attending the event was Mr. Hemantha Pamarthy, the lead faculty
member of the program. Mr. Pamarthy was formerly Managing Director of
Hand in Hand Micro Finance Private Limited, and COO of Sarvodaya Nano
Finance Limited, a community owned Monetary Financial Institution in
India. Mr. Abdul Karim Kargbo, Senior Banking Officer, Bank of Sierra
Leone, delivered a vote of thanks on behalf of the participants.Mr.
Christoffer Per Arne Larsson and Ms. Kluaymai Thongkham, both Program
Specialists at AIT Extension also participated in the event.