AIT ranked No.1 international university once again, bags 12 perfect scores in U-Multirank

AIT ranked No.1 international university once again, bags 12 perfect scores in U-Multirank

AIT scored a 100 per cent in foreign language master and bachelor programs securing the No. 1 rank. It was ranked No. 1 in student mobility, international academic staff, international joint publications, and international doctorate degrees, reinforcing its position at the top among world’s best international universities.

AIT scored a 100 per cent in foreign language master and bachelor programs securing the No. 1 rank. It was ranked No. 1 in student mobility, international academic staff, international joint publications, and international doctorate degrees, reinforcing its position at the top among world’s best international universities.

“AIT was international when no one was even using this word, ” AIT President Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai remarked. The founding fathers envisaged AIT as an international university when they conceived AIT’s precursor, the SEATO Graduate School of Engineering way back in 1959, Prof. Worsak said. Additionally, AIT is also outperforming others who are many times our size and capacity, he added.

This is the third consecutive year of AIT’s stellar performance in U-Multirank rankings. In 2015, U-Multirank had ranked AIT as the top university in “international orientation” — an honor it shared with other global leaders. In 2016, AIT maintained its status, and scored eight top scores with five top scores coming from ‘“international orientation,” two from “knowledge transfer,” and one from “research.”

In 2017, AIT has excelled again, obtaining 12 top scores —  six in the category of  ‘international orientation,” three in “knowledge transfer,” two in “research,” and one in “teaching and learning.”

In the field of knowledge transfer, AIT gets a perfect score in income from private sources (per fte academic staff), income from continuous professional development (percentage of total income), and graduate companies. In the field of research, AIT has top scores in research publications (size normalised), and external research income. In teaching and learning, it has a perfect score in graduating on time (Bachelors).

U-Multirank is an independent ranking prepared with seed funding from the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme, and it rates 1300 universities and institutes from 99 countries. U-Multirank describes itself as a new multidimensional, user-driven approach to international ranking of higher education institutions, comparing the performances of higher education institutions in five broad dimensions of university activity including teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional engagement.

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