When different nationalities fly the AIT flag at the Erasmus mobility program

When different nationalities fly the AIT flag at the Erasmus mobility program

They spoke about AIT, and they spoke about Thailand, where AIT is
hosted. As Erasmus exchange students at Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University (VGTU), they were AIT students receiving kudos at the
Cultural Evening organized by the Erasmus Students Network for
delivering their presentation.  They were not alone. Far away in
Spain, Mazlina Zaira Mohammad from Malaysia, and Nupur Chaturvedi from
India, were at Universidad de Granada, where they too were representing

Sabeethan, Saw, Mazlina and Nupur were the four participants of the
Erasmus mobility program from AIT.  Mazlina Zaira Mohammad, a
Ph.D. student Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management;
Sabeethan Kanagasingham, a Master’s student in Mechatronics; Saw Htet
Shein, a Master’s student from School of Management; and Ms. Nupur
Career Center Officer, AIT Career Center have just returned after
completing their stints under the Erasmus mobility program. In return,
AIT also welcomed Dr. Ramunė Albrektienė, an exchange lecturer from
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), Lithuania. Participating
from AIT

Hosted at AIT was Dr. Ramunė Albrektienė, Lecturer at Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University, who was impressed both by AIT’s
research as well as the  beautiful green campus. “Unlike back
home, where the university is spread across various buildings in
different places, AIT has a self contained campus,”  she remarked.
Dr. Ramunė who describes herself as a third-generation water treatment
expert, complimented AIT’s research culture and quality. Touched by
hospitality and welcoming nature of the AIT community, she recommends
AIT as a destination for pursuit of academics and research.

For Sabeethan and Saw Htet Shein, the five-month stay at VGTU was an
eye opener. Besides academics, both were actively engaged in building
strong student networks. Sabeethan studies three courses in
microprocessors and mechatronics, and Saw studied international
business, innovation, and risks and profits.

While Sabeethan and Saw went to Vilnius, Mazlina, who is from
Malaysia, was an Erasmus+ Mobility Scholar at Universidad de Granada,
Spain. "I was lucky to be able to conduct my research work in the
University of Granada,” Mazlina says.  She also prepared a
comparative study report on “Review on occupational safety and health
practices and performance in Malaysian and selected European
construction industry.”

Also on an exchange in Granada was Nupur who hails from India. Her
five-day stint provided her an opportunity to study the Office of
Employability in her host university, an aspect which echoes her work
at AIT. “The major difference between AIT and University of Granada is
clearly in the size of students and staff,” she remarks. Granada has
30,000 students, and Nupur had an opportunity to interact with their
career staff that works on trainings, internship, entrepreneurship,
career counselling, CV counselling and communication with companies.
She pointed out the high levels of automation at Granada, and added
that the University has considerable openings for Erasmus students,
which could be availed by more students.

But wherever they went, at all places, they were representing