The evolution of the AIT website

The evolution of the AIT website

Websites are virtual entrepĂ´ts, and home pages are not just a window to the world, but they also exemplify and reflect the character and ethos of an organization.

When the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) launched its website in 1995, the website was a collection of simple html files, but in an era of restricted internet speeds and limited bandwidth, the AIT website was a trendsetter. They were based on sound principles of information management and semantics, much before the phrases acquired currency in the virtual world.

As we relaunch our main website, here are snapshots of our previous websites from our archived pages. These snapshots trace the journey of how the AIT website has evolved.

Happy Browsing!

June 1997


January 1999


March 2000


January 2001


November 2002


March 2008


July 2017
