Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto (left) with Prof. Ajit K Chaturvedi.
The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, to promote joint academic and research activities.
At the exchange ceremony of the MoU,Prof. Ajit K Chaturvedi, Director, IIT Roorkee, described AIT as a “natural partner,” stating that the two institutes have complementary strengths. “I am sure that this agreement will sow the seeds of more partnerships in the coming decades,” Prof. Chaturvedi remarked.
Expressing his delight to be greeted by his former colleagues who are now serving at AIT, the ITT Director said that the very first step towards operationalizing the MoU could be an exchange of student interns. He also sought a collaboration between Indian and Thai researchers under the bilateral scientific and technological cooperation between India and Thailand.
AIT’s Vice President for Administration, Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto represented President Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai at the MoU exchange ceremony. Prof. Yamamoto highlighted the strong linkage between AIT and India, adding that not only does India contribute the second-largest cohort of students, but it also receives faculty members who are seconded by the Government of India.
Prof. Chaturvedi was accompanied by Dr. Bir Kapoor, Group Executive President and CEO (Southeast Asia and China Unit) of Thai Rayon, and Mr. R D Khimesra, Advisor, Chemical Industry Club, Federation of Thai Industries. AIT was represented by Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto; Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Dean, School of Engineering and Technology (SET); Prof. Rajendra Shrestha, Dean, School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD); Prof. Nitin Kumar Tripathi, Director Special Degree Programs; Dr. Matthew Dailey, Head, Department of Information and Communication Technology, SET; Dr. Jai Govind Singh, Dr. Indrajit Pal and Dr. Joyee Chatterjee, faculty members in SERD; Mr. Shawn Kelly, Director, Office of External Relations (OEXR); and Ms. Indra Kumari of OEXR.