Maiden batch of Kurita Scholars return after internship

July 26th, 2018 News
Maiden batch of Kurita Scholars return after internship

From left: Madhawa, Oum Somaly, and Raksmey Ang.

The first batch of three Kurita scholars, Ms. Oum Somaly, Mr. Raksmey Ang, and Nandana Hewawasage Sajith Madhawa Premarathna returned to AIT after their week-long internship with Kurita in Japan. This ia a part of the Kurita Water and Environment Foundation (KWEF) scholarship program, where KWEF has granted three full scholarships to students to pursue a Master’s degree program at AIT.

While Madhawa, who is from Sri Lanka, studies in Environmental Engineering and Management (EEM), Oum from Cambodia is pursuing her Master’s in Natural Resources Management. Raksmey, who is studying Water Engineering and Management (WEM) is from Cambodia. All three students had an opportunity to meet with Mr. Toshiyuki Nakai, President of Kurita Water and Environment Foundation.

The three visited the Kurita Water Industries Head Office in Tokyo, Global Technology Center in Tochigi,  Hakusan Sub-branch of Kurita, and Kurita Analysis Service in Kanagawa.

The scholarship follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) which was signed by the then KWEF President Mr. Hiroshi Saito, and AIT President Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai in December 2016.

Madhawa: “AIT-Kurita internship has helped me learn about sophisticated state of the art technologies in the water sector.”


Raksmey Ang: “The AIT-Kurita partnership provided me with an opportunity to explore water treatment solutions that are relevant to my country.”


Oum Somal: “I have gained greater exposure to new emerging technologies courtesy of the AIT-Kurita collaboration.”