Professor Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh
Professor Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh has been honored with the title of Professor Emeritus. This follows approval by the Board of Trustees in its meeting held on 30 August 2018.
Prof. Kim Oanh joined AIT as a Research Specialist in May 1994, and she was appointed as Assistant Professor in 1997. Prof. Kim Oanh was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in 2001, and Professor in 2009. She has served as an AIT faculty member for 21 years, and as Professor for about nine years.
She completed Dipl.Eng., (First Honors, GPA 5.0/5.0) in 1978 from Odessa Hydrometeorology Institute, Ukraine, Master’s and a Doctorate from AIT in 1991 and 1994 respectively.
Her publication record includes 89 international-refereed journal articles, two books, 35 book chapters, 40 papers in conference proceedings, 97 workshop presentations, 45 project reports, nine monographs and seven non-refereed publications. Prof. Kim Oanh has delivered 70 invited lectures at universities and industries around the world including an invited lecture at MIT’s Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences in the US (2012).
Prof. Kim Oanh has received a number of awards which include amongst others, the Certificate of “Highly Cited Research” from the Journal of the Atmospheric Research for the paper Observing and Understanding the Southeast Asian Aerosol System by Remote Sensing, the “Alan Berman Annual Research Publication Award” by the Naval Research Laboratory in 2013, the “Air Quality Hero” award by the Better Air Quality (BAQ) 2010 Conference in recognition of “consistent best presentation, most presentations and most number of abstracts submitted for BAQ over the years”; the “EXTRA MILE” award in recognition of significant contributions to the Better Air Quality 2008 program naming her as “the Most Active Professor in Air Quality”, and the “Distinguished Researcher Award for Senior Research Leader” by AIT in 2015.