Dr. Yuosre Badir from School of Management contributed his knowledge for the publication of a book for designing ideal tropical houses

Dr. Yuosre Badir from School of Management contributed his knowledge for the publication of a book for designing ideal tropical houses

Dr. Yuosre Badir Associate Professor Dr. Yuosre Badir, Director of Doctoral Programs (PhD and DBA) in AIT School of Management, teamed up with experts and contributed to the book named Maisons tropicales - concevoir une maison bioclimatique, sure, confortable, economique et respectueuse de l'environnement (English Translation: Tropical houses - design a bioclimatic, safe, comfortable, economical and environmentally friendly house). The book was published in France in March 2020.

The book was produced for ETIK2A (http://etik2a.org/), a French non-profit organization that focuses on ethical issues in developing a green and sustainable environment. Five authors and contributors (including an architect and four scientists, among them Dr. Badir) teamed up to transfer their knowledge of green innovation and sustainability to develop concepts of tropical houses design.

Book Excerpt
The world is changing, our aspirations are changing, new constraints are imposed, whether in terms of safety, comfort, cost control or protection of the environment. Housing is fully affected by these issues. While most countries try to answer the question of how to design suitable houses, the question remains unresolved in many others, particularly in tropical climatic zones. Therefore, this book sets itself the objective of designing bioclimatic houses that are safe, comfortable, economical and respectful of the environment in tropical environments.

Featured in “Magazine Maisons Créoles”
A famous French housing magazine, named Magazine Maisons Créoles, has featured the book in its July 2020 issue. The article in the magazine is entitled: Devons-nous revisiter la conception de l'habitat tropical? English translation: Should we revisit the design of tropical habitat? The article can be found in the following link (see page 26-27): Click Here