OCAJI signs partnership agreements with AIT

OCAJI signs partnership agreements with AIT

The MoU and MoA were signed on 14 December 2012 by Mr. Toichi
Takenaka, President, OCAJI, and Mr. Hajime Suzuki, Executive Vice
President, OCAJI, respectively, and witnessed by Mr. Motoi Sasaki,
Director-General, Land Economy and Construction and Engineering
Industry Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Tourism (MLIT), Japan.

During the signing ceremony, AIT President Prof. Said Irandoust
thanked the Government of Japan for its continuous support to students,
grants for short term visiting faculty, operating grants, besides
support for mobile pumps which helped dewater AIT following the flood
in 2011.

Mr. Sasaki expressed his great happiness at the collaboration with AIT
stating that the Ministry feels honored to forge collaboration with a
prestigious institute like AIT, which is the best educational institute
in Asia. Mr. Ryu Ishii, Deputy Director, International Office for
Infrastructure Industry, Construction Industry Division, presented a
brief about MLIT activities. Mr. Ryuto Nakamura, from International
Office for Infrastructure Industry, Construction Industry Division,
MLIT also accompanied the MLIT delegation.

From OCAJI, Mr. Suzuki delivered a presentation about OCAJI and its
activities. Mr. Naoya Kosaka, Deputy General Manager, General Affairs
Division, also accompanied the delegation from OCAJI. Mr. Ryotaro
Hayashi, Secretary, Embassy of Japan was also present during the
signing ceremony.

The signing ceremony was attended by Prof. I.M. Pandey, Vice President
for Academic Affairs; Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar, Dean SET; Dr. Faiz
Shah, Head, Development Management, AIT Extension; Dr. Masahiko Nagai,
Visiting Faculty at Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems,
SET, and Japanese Faculty Representative at AIT; Mr. Ahmed Amjad Ali,
Head, External Relations and Communications Office (ERCO) and Ms.
Sumana Shrestha, Program Officer, ERCO.

More details about OCAJI are available at this link: http://www.ocaji.or.jp/en/
More details about MLIT are available at this link: http://www.mlit.go.jp/en/index.html