VPRD Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai appointed Acting AIT President

VPRD Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai appointed Acting AIT President

According to an official communiqué released on February
19 by the AIT Board of Trustees Secretariat, the appointment of
Prof. Worsak was made with effect from 13 February 2013.

The communiqué also said: "The Board was informed that the AIT Vice
President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) Professor I. M. Pandey, who is on
personal leave for the major part of February 2013, was appointed by
the President to serve as Acting President upon his return, starting
from 4 March 2013."

Following his appointment, Prof. Worsak, in an email to the AIT
community, stated that he would appoint a committee to review actions
on personnel that have not followed a proper review process according
to AIT’s Policy and Procedure Statement. He also announced that
finances and the financial situation of AIT would be reviewed, and that
an accurate report on AIT’s current financial status would be provided.
Prof. Worsak also sought openness and transparency in AIT’s

Since then, the committee on personnel called Personnel Actions Review
Panel (PARP), has been constituted.

Prof. Worsak is an AIT alumnus and has served AIT since 1979 in a
number of capacities. He served as Dean of the former School of
Civil Engineering and was the founding Dean of the School of
Engineering and Technology. Prof. Worsak has been AIT's Vice President
for Resource Development since July 2009.

More details are available at this link: 