IGES shows interest in working with AIT

IGES shows interest in working with AIT
President of the Institute of Global Environment Strategies, Mr. Hideyuki Mori met the President of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Prof. Said Irandoust and expressed interest in working with AIT both under the ASEAN framework, as well as on a bilateral level.
The AIT President, who as in Cambodia on 6-7 March 2012, to participate in the Third “High Level Seminar on Environmentally Sustainable Cities” under the Framework of the East Asia Summit Environment Ministers Meeting, apprised the IGES President on AIT’s initiatives in the field of climate change, natural resource management, as well as sustainable consumption and production.The President also delivered a presentation during the plenary session on the “Role of AIT in the Region towards Environmentally Sustainable Cities,” where he introduced AIT’s work related to Environmentally Sustainable Cities and the ASEAN Environmentally Sustainable Model Cities Programme. The AIT president was accompanied by Dr. Muhammad Abu Yusuf, Project Director, Mekong Region Waste Refinery-International Partnership Project, who delivered a presentation on the concept of “Zero Waste, Zero Landfill and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emission concept”
and explained the importance and rationale of introducing it in the Mekong Region.

AIT President Prof. Said
Irandoust with Delegate of Third High Level Seminar on Environmentally
Sustainable Cities at Siem Rea, Cambodia.