Water is the essence of climate change adaptation: DAF Seminar

Water is the essence of climate change adaptation: DAF Seminar

Quoting Leonardo da Vinci who said that “Water is the driving force of
all nature,” Prof. Bogárdi added that water is more than a resource.
Delivering his talk on the topic “Between Global and Local Challenges:
Water Resources and their Management will Shape our Future,” he
outlined the ethical dimension of water-related issues, which are
intertwined with technical, economic and social solutions.

“If Russia cuts all its forests, then there would be no rainfall in
China. Similarly the precipitation in the industrial zone in Southern
Brazil comes from the Amazon,” Prof. Bogárdi said.

He spoke about water challenges for policy, people and professions
stating that the size of the water footprint is correlated to
population density, affluence, and efficiencies of water use. Water is
extrinsically and intrinsically linked to the majority of the 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Prof Bogárdi said. Further,
water-related issues are critical in the territory that lies within the
catchment area of AIT, he said.

H.E. Dr. Peter Jakab, Ambassador of Hungary to Thailand graced the