Colorado State University and AIT to develop joint research program

Colorado State University and AIT to develop joint research program

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facilitate the program was
signed by Dr. James A. Cooney, Vice Provost (International Affairs), CSU on 10 August 2012 during a
visit of an AIT delegation to CSU. The MoU seeks collaborative academic
programs, joint research activities, exchange of academic and
scientific information, and an exchange of faculty and students.

The MoU signing ceremony was witnessed by Dr. Steven Abt, Interim
Dean, College of Engineering, CSU; Dr. V. Chandrasekar, Professor and
Associate Dean for International Research, CSU; Dr. Ramchand Oad,
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, CSU, and AIT alumnus;
Dr. John D. Nelson, Emeritus Professor, Civil and Environmental
Engineering CSU and former AIT faculty; Dr. Wade Troxell, Associate
Dean for Research and Economic Development, CSU.

AIT was represented by Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul, Dean, School of
Environment, Resources and Development (SERD); and Dr. Anil Kumar Anal,
Associate Dean, Research and Outreach, SERD. Mr. Somkiat Kitsuwannakul,
Assistant Vice President, MDX PCL, Thailand also attended the ceremony.

In April 2011, a delegation from CSU, comprising of Dr. Sandra L.
Woods, Dean of Engineering, CSU; Ms. Audra Brickner, Director of
Development, College of Engineering; and Dr. John D. Nelson, CEO of
Engineering Analytics had visited AIT.

CSU and AIT have a long-term relationship which began in 1960 when
Prof. Maurice L. Albertson, Professor Emeritus, CSU, helped create
AIT’s predecessor, the SEATO Graduate School of Engineering. Prof.
Milton E. Bender Jr., former Head of the Department of Civil
Engineering at CSU, served as the President of AIT between 1962 and
1975. Many CSU faculty have taught at AIT including Prof. Art Corey,
Prof. Edmund Shulz, and Prof. John D. Nelson. CSU alumni have also
taught at AIT including Dr. Anat Arbhabirama, while CSU alumni like Dr.
Subin have risen to the position of Cabinet Ministers in