New AIT Sustainability Report 2019

New AIT Sustainability Report 2019

For the first time in its history, the Asian Institute of Technology has published a Sustainability Report which outlines key initiatives undertaken by the Institute in 2019 to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Introducing the new AIT Sustainability Report 2019, AIT President Dr. Eden Woon said: “This report provides a summary of the range of activities undertaken at the Asian Institute of Technology during 2019 to meet the SDGs through its teaching, research, outreach and public engagement, and operations. AIT conducts a diverse range of activities across the Institute, and this report lists only some of many such initiatives. AIT continually strives to implement sustainability in all its core operations, including by creating a platform to showcase its efforts toward the SDGs in a comprehensive and detailed manner.”

Read the AIT Sustainability Report 2019 

AIT recently participated for the first time in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings, which looks at global universities’ commitment and performance in furthering the SDGs and AIT ranked #19 in the world for SDG1—No Poverty. The achievement was recognition of AIT’s work in providing education to students from countries where poverty is an issue, of its research on poverty issues, and of its success in producing graduates who go back home to help their countries eradicate poverty.

“‘Transforming AIT’ was the slogan for the AIT 60th Anniversary and strategies outlined in the AIT Roadmap chart how AIT is going to transform itself by embracing innovation, by being international, by working with enterprises, by nurturing entrepreneurship, by caring for stakeholders and by broadening support. AIT research disciplines are critical for the societies of Asia, and the Institute will continue these studies, but with more innovation, thus the new motto for AIT is ‘Social Impact with Innovation’ which places a heavy emphasis on sustainability,” President Woon said.

“The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people as well as the planet, now and into the future. Universities have a critical role to play in achieving the SDGs. Education, research, innovation, and leadership will be essential in helping society follow pathways to sustainable development,” he added.

The Sustainability Report 2019 was prepared in conjunction with the AIT Annual Report 2019. An editorial team worked closely with the AIT Schools and Centers in identifying important work that could be showcased. One important feature of the Sustainability Report is an SDGs Dashboard mapping for the Schools, Thematic Areas, Institute Centers and Institute Service Centers.