Iraq Ministry officials benefit from AIT program

Iraq Ministry officials benefit from AIT program

According to Mr. Voravate Chonlasin, Senior Program Specialist, Public
Sector Capacity Building at AIT Extension, the training program is a
part of a series of courses to be conducted by AIT Extension for
UNICEF-Iraq. “It is expected that 121 GDHR staff will participate in
training programmes at AIT from May to August 2010,” he added.

This program follows a European Union funded Enabling Environment for
Enhanced and Sustained Water and Sanitation Services in Iraq project,
which seeks to organize human resource training programs for senior
officials from MMPW, Government of Iraq. The General Directorate of
Human Resources (GDHR) under MMPW is a key component of the project
which responsible for HR personnel to MMPW staff.

The Manpower Planning program, conducted by AIT Extension, is capacity
development support activities for the MMPW staff. It seeks to empower
participants with practical knowledge, real practice exposure and
review and analysis in human resource practices and manpower planning
strategy of public and private sector.

Participants in the program included Mrs. Zainab Mohammed Daqtoor
Muobark, Assistant Chief of Planning Department; Mr. Ahmed Ismael
Farhan, Monitor; Mr. Ahmed Sheet Ahmed, Assistant Programmer; Mr. Buraq
Talib Abduljabbar, Monitor; Mr. Hayder Abdul Raheem Khalaf, Assistant
Monitor; Mrs. Intisar Ramzi Ismael, Director; Mrs. Jinan Abdulameer
Abdulhussein, Assistant Director; Mrs. Rana Ahmed Ghanim, Assistant
Monitor; Mrs. Taghreed Mahdi Salih, Assistant Monitor; Mrs. Tavga Wlee
Merza, Director; and Mrs. Zainab Ghalib Fayyadh, Assistant