A meeting of donor agencies with the Ministry of Agriculture and
Fisheries (MAF) of Timor Leste is planned in coming weeks and the
Minister stressed the need for the presence of AIT at this meeting to
assist in formulating a five year plan of activities for rice
The workshop deliberated on strategies to improve both rice production
and economic status of the rural population in Timor Leste. The two-day
national workshop was hosted by the MAF (Timor Leste) in co-sponsorship
with German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), European Union (EU), and AIT.
The co-sponsorship for AIT was brought through by Dr. Abha Mishra,
Senior Research Specialist-cum-Affiliated Faculty, ASE/SERD with
support from GTZ. Dr. Mishra was one of the four key speakers invited
to analyze, discuss and provide recommendation for Sustainable Rice
Intensification (SRI). The other key speakers invited for this workshop
were from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI);
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia and the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Apart from this, Dr. Mishra was invited to deliver an open seminar on
Rice Intensification at National University of Timor Leste (UNTL) on 28
June 2010, which was attended by the students and faculties and
officials from the MAF.
Dr. Theo Ebbers, Wetlands
Alliance Program (WAP) Aqua Outreach Coordinator also participated
in the program, where, prior to the workshop, he made a presentation on
Poverty Reduction and Agricultural Management (PRAM). The idea was
noted with satisfaction and seen as one of the approaches to support
the MAF’s extension delivery system through on-the-job training program
offered by PRAM.
From left to right: Dr. G. Ravi, Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University, India; Dr. V. Balasubramaniyam, from
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI); Eng. Lourenco Borges
Fontes, Director General, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Timor
Leste; Dr. Abha Mishra from AIT; H.E. Eng. Mariano Assanami Sabino,
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Timor Leste; Prof. Dr. P.
Iswandi, IPB, Bogor, Indonesia; and Mr. Jan Ketelaar, Chief Technical
Advisor, FAO Asia-IPM Programme.