Several Research/project grants provided to AIT faculty

The following AIT faculty received new research/project grants from various organizations:

The Statement of Understanding between AIT and ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communications (SIGCOMM) was signed for organizing the 4th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC), which is coordinated by Professor Kanchana Kanchanasut, Director of Internet Education and Research Laboratory (intERLab).

Dr. Dhirendra Thakur of Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management (AARM) Field of Study, SERD, received a new research grant from OxSea Vision (Thailand) Co., Ltd. worth 500,000 Baht for his project on oxygen injection system in intensive shrimp culture ponds.

AARM Field of Study, SERD, Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage and Mr. Yuan Derum received an amount of 1,388,130 Baht from various sources for their new project on AARM Training and Consultancy Services in Aquaculture.

Professor Athapol Noomhorm of Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology (FEBT) Field of Study, SERD also received a grant of 100,000 Baht from National Innovation Agency, Thailand for his project on compilation of technical and business information for mangosteen and holy basil.

Dr. Nitin Kumar Tripathi of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (RS-GIS) Field of Study, SET also received an amount of 115,500 Baht from various donors to participate at a training event on Disaster and Project Management.