The AIT community represents the many grateful AIT faculty, staff, students, and alumni who have directly benefited from Professor Sharma's dedication to his career as educator, researcher and administrator.
AIT associates - both alumni and faculty who have personally known Professor Sharma - have conveyed their memories and deepest personal appreciation of the work that Professor Sharma has done for the Institute and of his commitment to our growth and development as members of the AIT community. The AIT community will always be sincerely grateful to Professor Sharma for being a colleague, friend and supporter during those years.
Professor Sharma has been associated with the Institute since May 1990 as Professor in Telecommunications, Chairman of the then Telecommunications Division and Project Director for the Finnish International Development Agency (FINNIDA). He was responsible for founding the Telecommunications Division, which was inaugurated in May 1991, to provide a world-class graduate education in telecommunications to students from the Asia-Pacific region. In March 1993, he was appointed as the founding Dean of the School of Advanced Technologies, responsible for the amalgamation of the programs in telecommunications, computer science, and industrial systems engineering, and for the introduction of a new interdisciplinary program in information management.