AIT Orientation Day
Approximately 119 new students have enrolled at AIT for the January 2004 intake. The Institute, on January 12, 2003, held an orientation program for these new students at the AIT Conference Center. The January 2004 batch is the second intake under the AIT semester system.
Most of the new students have enrolled in the School of Environment, Resources and Development, registered in Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Tech. Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Engineering, Master of Science and MBA as well as certificate, diploma, special program and research fellow. The largest number of new students come from Thailand, followed by France and Vietnam. Exchange students from Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Lebanon, and the US are attending classes at SAT, SERD, and SOM.
At the orientation, Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost, welcomed the new students. The new students were also briefed by AIT officials on various services available during their study at AIT such as registration procedures, English test and general language support services, AIT Library and library support services, courses, grading and academic services, counseling and other student support services, internet and computing services, student accommodation, rules, rents and other services, passport, visa and travel arrangements, AIT medical services, AIDS awareness, and key practical health issues, campus safety, security services and recreational facilities.