AITAA now accepts DCPP 2004 and Research Grant Applications
The AIT Alumni Association (AITAA) is now accepting applications for the Doctoral Conference Participation Program (DCPP) 2004. The program - annually conducted by AITAA - sponsors the attendance of Doctoral students in international conference to promote interest in sharing of knowledge and experiences, and to project AIT's image in research.
The AITAA provides financial support not exceeding THB 30,000 to help cover the cost of attendance of one student, including registration, travel and accommodation.
Applicants must read the subsequent rules before applying. Interested persons may email their application to: For further information, please call the AITAA Office at tel. ext. 5058.
1. Doctoral students at AIT who passed their 'Advancement to Candidacy Examination' are eligible to apply. He/She is entitled to only one opportunity to avail of the AITAA Grant.
2. The adviser may nominate a candidate and a submission form shall accompany the nomination from the nominee.
3. The following documents should be submitted by the applicant:
3.1. A copy of the conference announcement
3.2. A letter from the doctoral faculty advisor that the selected conference is a recognized international conference and that the paper is based on the student's doctoral dissertation
3.3. A copy of his/her paper which is to be presented at an international conference, the student maybe co-author
3.4. A letter of acceptance from the Conference Organizing Committee that the paper will be presented
3.5. A travel itinerary and proposed budget of the applicant
3.6. A note giving the reasons for and benefits to be derived from attendance at the Conference
4. Application together with all supporting documents is requested to be submitted six months in advance of the conference date.
5. The screening committee will consist of the following persons:
5.1. AITAA President and Executive Secretary
5.2. Four Faculty from the Schools of AIT
6. The successful applicants are required to ensure that:
6.1 The Conference Proceedings (if and when applicable) is deposited in the AIT Library
6.2 Submit a brief report regarding participation at the conference
6.3. Submit a news release, through the AITAA, for AIT Bulletin publication within one week of arrival from the conference
7. The maximum amount of grant is THB 30,000 and covers only for the cost of attendance including registration, traveling, and accommodation expenses. Any other costs shall be the responsibility of the grantee.
The AITAA Research Grant, on the other hand, is supplemental to available funds at AIT enabling students to go back to their home country to work on problems of national importance.
AITAA is now also accepting applicants for the AITAA Research Grant who can meet the Selection Guidelines as follows:
Select the best research topic to be based on the following priority areas:
- Research on developing of technologies appropriate to the resources and needs of developing countries.
- Case studies or country specific studies on problem areas to assist the formulation of national policies, strategies and plans.
- Research on the impact and problem derived from technology transfer.
- Development of database for the formulation of integrated national policies, strategies and action plans.
- Feasibility studies on specific factors related to development projects under consideration.
- The recipient should satisfy the following:
- The student must have completed Second Semester
- Only for master degree students
- Proposal with well presented objectives, methodology; relevance; feasibility.
- Approval by the examination committee to be submitted later
- Those with research grant from scholarship will not be eligible
Interested persons wishing to apply for the research grant should obtain application forms from the Alumni Office, Ground Floor, Administration Building. Application Form together with the approved proposal must be submitted on or before May 31, 2004