RE-Source Award for Sustainable Watershed Management
The AIT community is pleased to learn that the project proposal jointly developed by Dr. Gopal B. Thapa and Dr. Michael Albert Zoebisch, with the assistance of Mr. Bishnu Hari Pandit, a doctoral student in the School of Environment, Resources and Development, has been declared as one of the three winners of the 2002 RE-Source Award for Sustainable Watershed Management, out of 105 project proposals submitted from all over the world. The project entitled 'Community-based Land and Water Resource Enhancement in the Galaudu-Pokhare Khola Watershed in Nepal,' represented by Dr. Thapa, received a prize at a ceremony held in Switzerland on Monday, March 17, 2003. The prize money will be used for the implementation of the project.
The RE-Source Award has been launched by the Swiss Reinsurance Company in support of water-related projects, in order to promote awareness and encourage the efficient use of this precious resource. It aims to become an internationally recognized prize for leadership in implementing the principles of sustainability in watershed management. The award's valuable contribution to watershed management is recognized and supported by an international panel of patrons.
Indeed, this is a well-deserved recognition at the international level, and our Institute feels likewise honored by the prize.
The AIT community offers the team warm congratulations and best wishes for continued success.