Institute invites grant proposals
The Open Society Institute's Middle East/ North Africa Initiatives program invites grant proposals from organizations around the world in accordance with its project aims. Those aims are to support organizations and their projects that work to foster freedom of expression, access to information, women's rights, the rule of law, local governance and educational reform in the Middle East. Preference is given to local organizations on the ground in the region or initiatives that partner local and foreign organizations' expertise.
All applications must be made on behalf of organizations or groups, which may include, but are not limited to, informal coalitions, non-governmental organizations, humanitarian aid or other charitable organizations, and educational institutes.
Grants applications will be accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year, with remaining consideration dates as follows: 1. Applications due: 26 May 2006; consideration date: 28 July 2006; and 2. Applications due: 11 September 2006; consideration date: 13 November 2006. For more information go to