Prof. Jean-Louis Armand (left), AIT President presents a token of appreciation to Prof. Jimmy Weinblatt.
On April 21, 2003, Prof. Jimmy Weinblatt, Rector of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel visited AIT.
The visit aims to enhance, encourage, and formalize scholarly and scientific interaction between the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and AIT through the promotion of exchange opportunities for academic staff, professional staff, and students desiring to participate in academic programs, research and other appropriate activities.
During the visit, Prof. Weinblatt also had discussions with the Deans: Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean of School of Environment Resources and Development, Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Dean of School of Civil Engineering, Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Phien, Dean of School of Advanced Technologies, Prof. Paul Himangshu, Dean of the School of Management, Prof. Gajendra Singh, Dean of AIT Extension.
From left: Mrs. Monohwara Hussain; Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost; Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President; Prof. Jimmy Weinblatt; and Prof. John Hugh Jones, former AIT Vice President for Academic Affairs