Visiting AIT

Visiting AIT

Sida Delegation

May 9-13, 2002: Mr. Borje Wallberg, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) Consultant, came to AIT to review the Executive MBA on Human Resource Management Program of the School of Management. The program is flexible in nature where the students do not have to stay in AIT for the entire time during their study period. AIT started this program last year with support from Sida and Danish International Development Assistance (DANIDA).

Photo shows Mr. Wallberg, discussing with AIT President, Prof. Jean-Louis Armand.
Delegation from the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq
May 15, 2002: Mr. Thamir M.S. Kadhim, Charge d'Affaires a.i., Minister-Counsellor, The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq, visited AIT to explore the possible collaboration with AIT. During his meeting with AIT President, Prof. Jean Louis Armand, Mr. Kadhim conveyed a message to AIT President that the Ministry of High Education of Iraq would like to have an academic collaboration with AIT such as sending Iraqi students to pursue their postgraduate studies at AIT. Top Iraqi students who qualify for admission will also be considered in seeking donor support under the bilateral scheme program. It is proposed that for further contacts, the AIT delegation may visit Iraq or the delegation from the Ministry of High Education /Iraq may visit AIT in the near future.

Mr. Thamir M.S. Kadhim, left, Charge d'Affaires a.i., Minister-Counsellor, The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq, is seen with AIT President, Prof. Jean-Louis Armand.
Iraq-UNICEF Delegation

May 15, 2002: The delegation from Iraq-UNICEF, accompanied by Prof. Huub J. Gijzen, a professor from the International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering (IHE), Delft, the Netherlands,came to AIT, as a part of the study tour to Bangladesh, Vietnam and Thailand under a joint training course in environmental issues currently being conducted by the IHE Delft and the UNICEF Iraq for an Iraqi delegation. The IHE Delft, through Prof. Gijzen, and the School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) have been in close academic collaboration for the past several years.

During the visit, Prof. C. Visvanathan, UEEM Program Coordinator, made a presentation on 'Wastewater Management and Treatment in the Tropical Region', and Prof. Peter Edwards of AASE Program made a presentation on 'Wastewater Reuse and Nutrient Reclamation in Farmlands or Aquacultures'. The delegation also toured the Environmental Engineering Laboratory and Aquaculture Laboratory and Environmental Research Station.

From this visit, it was agreed that IHE, Delft, the Netherlands, and AIT will jointly organize a tailor-made program for the Iraqi engineers. Prof. Huub J Gijzen will coordinate with Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean of SERD on the proposal for this program.

A group photo of the Iraq-UNICEF Delegation with AIT officials, as shown from left: Ms. Tongta Temboonkiat , Assistant to the President; Prof. Peter Edwards; Prof. Huub J. Gijzen; Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President; Mr. Mahmoud Ali Ahmed, Director General of the General Corporation for Water and Sewerage; Mr. Abdul Hussain Mahdi Rehma, Assistant Director General of Baghdad Sewerage Authority/Mayoralty of Baghdad; Mr. Emil Ernest Sequeira, Assistant Project Officer/Water and Environmental Sanitation Section/UNICEF-Baghdad; Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean of SERD; and Ms Prapassorn Pokasoowan, Assistant to Dean SERD.

May 20, 2002: Dr. Erlinda C. Pefianco, Director of SEAMEO INNOTECH (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology), accompanied by Dr. Zenaida T. Domingo, Head of the Business Development Officer and Senior Training Specialist of SEAMEO INNOTECH, visited AIT.

Dr. Erlinda C. Pefianco, came earlier to AIT in April 2002, expressing interest to establish a collaboration with AIT particularly in developing on 'Intelligent Learning System,' a joint initiative between SEAMEO INNOTECH and AIT.

During her second visit, the following activities were agreed in principle:

Prof. Huynh Ngoc Phien, Dean of SAT, will visit Innotech and look into the possibility of the implementation of the 'IMPACT module'.

AIT will allow SEAMEO INNOTECH to use the software of the Integrated Toolbox Application free of charge. DEC will conduct a training course for the SEAMEO INNOTECH officials on the application of the Integrated Toolbox Application.

SEAMEO INNOTECH will also seek advice from AIT (IT Serv) in ICT networking.

Photo shows Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, left, Provost, welcoming the delegation from SEAMEO INNOTECH, Dr. Erlinda C. Pefianco, and Dr. Zenaida T. Domingo, third and second from left. Also in the photo is Dr. Aekavute Sujarae, Research Specialist of DEC.

The Delegation from Handong Global University, Korea

May 21-22, 2002: The delegation from Handong Global University, Korea: Prof. Lynn R. Buzzard, Dean, Handong International Law School; and Prof. Sang Ki Lee, Associate Dean for External Affairs, Handong International Law School, visited AIT.

Handong International Law School is the first Graduate Law School in Korea focusing on international law.

At the meeting with AIT administration and faculty led by Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President, Prof. Lynn R. Buzzard and Prof. Sang Ki Lee have expressed their interest in an academic collaboration with AIT, proposing that basic law courses, such as Business Law and Information Technology Law, should be introduced to all Schools at AIT, starting from School of Management (SOM). They added that at the beginning stage, these courses can be offered as an elective course, and later there should be a transfer of knowledge of such courses from the faculty of Handong International Law School to the AIT faculty.

The discussion also included the proposal of offering a Special 6-8 Week Program (Tailor-made Program) for AIT students who are interested in law studies, which the students can attend the program at Handong International Law School. This program can be developed into a 'Dual Degree Program'. A Joint Degree such as MBA-J.D. and the exchange of faculty and students as an initial activity were also discussed.

At the luncheon hosted by AIT, photo shows, Prof. Lynn R. Buzzard and Prof. Sang Ki Lee (left and second from left) with the AIT Administration and faculty, from right: Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President; Prof. Gajendra Singh, Dean of AIT Extension; Prof. ATM Nurul Amin, Coordinator of Urban Environmental Management Field of Study; and Prof. Gothom Arya, Registrar.

(From right) Prof. Lynn R. Buzzard and Prof. Sang Ki Lee
Sri Lankan Minister of Foreign Affairs

May 19, 2002: The Sri Lankan Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Honorable Tyronne Fernando, on his way to East Timor Independence Celebrations, briefly visited AIT to felicitate a contingent of Sri Lankan National Athletic Squad who are presently undergoing practice sessions at the Thammasat University Athletic Village for the Commonwealth Games.

H.E. Hon. Mr. Fernando was accompanied by H.E. Mr. Hewa Palihakkara, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Thailand and AIT Board Member. The Honorable Minister had a discussion with AIT President, Professor Jean-Louis Armand, who briefed him with regard to the very beneficial AIT - Government of Sri Lanka Cooperation. The Honorable Minister was impressed by the extensive cooperation and acknowledged his Ministry's support for the continued cooperation in the future and also stated that he would inform H.E. Honorable Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka of this cooperation and the measurable benefits to Sri Lankan Ministries, Universities and Research Institutes in terms of upgrading the Country's HRD skills and capacity building.

Above: Senior delegates who attended the meeting along with the Honorable Minister. From right-left are Mr. P.H. Sugathadasa, Director, Technical Assistance Division, Department of External Resources, Ministry of Finance and Planning; Mr. Gamini Abeyesekara, Resident Representative, UNICEF, Thailand; Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President; H.E. Hon. Tyronne Fernando, Minister of Foreign Affairs; H.E. Mr. Hewa Palihakkara, Sri Lankan Ambassador to Thailand; Mr. V.K. Nanayakkara, Secretary, Ministry of Education, HRD and Cultural Affairs; Mr. Lal Peiris, Coordinating Secretary to Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs; and Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, President's Office.
Delegation from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech)
May 30, 2002: The Delegation from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) led by Prof. Masao Aizawa, President, visited AIT. He was accompanied by Prof. Hiroo Niiyama, Professor, Global Scientific Information and Computer Center; Prof. Chitoshi Miki, Institute Senate and Chairman of the Committee for International Activities of Tokyo Tech and Ms. Ayako Suzuki, Chief, Division of International Affairs.

They met Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost; Prof. H. N. Phien, Dean of School of Advanced Technologies; and Dr. Nitin V. Afzulpurkar, Industrial Systems Engineering Program Coordinator, AIT.

The meeting mutually agreed that the student exchange will be the next step of the collaboration between Tokyo Tech and AIT.

Photo shows Prof. Masao Aizawa (fourth from left) President, and Tokyo Tech delegation discussing with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost, and Prof. H. N. Phien, Dean of School of Advanced Technologies, third and second from left, respectively.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

May 31, 2002: Prof. Sang M. Lee, President of Pan-Pacific Business Association, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, U.S.A., gave a seminar on 'Global Competitiveness in a New World' for Students in the school of Management. Founded in 1869, the Lincoln campus of the University of Nebraska is the state's
land-grant university and the only comprehensive university in Nebraska. Through its
three primary missions of learning, discovery and engagement, the University of
Nebraska is the state's intellectual center and has been recognized by the Legislature
as the primary research and doctoral-degree granting institution in the state. Nebraska
is one of a select group of research universities that holds membership in the Association of American Universities - a distinction granted in 1909. Nebraska was the first university west of the Mississippi to establish a graduate college (in 1896);
today, NU is one of the top 50 American universities in the number of doctoral
degrees granted annually.

Photo shows Prof. Sang M. Lee, center, President of Pan-Pacific Business Association, Department of Management, UNL, is seen being flanked by Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost, and Prof. Himangshu Paul, Dean of AIT's School of Management, right and left, respectively.
Delegation from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
June 3, 2002: Prof. Che Husna Azhari, Head of Strategic Planning, and Assoc. Prof. Madya Wan Mohtar, School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), met with Prof. Gothom Arya, Registrar, Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Dean of School of Civil Engineering, Prof. Willem F. Stevens of Bioprocess Technology, and Dr. Singha Chiamsiri of School of Management and Reform Program III Leader, to discuss on mutual cooperation.

Photo shows from left: Dr. Singha Chiamsiri, Prof. Gothom Arya, Prof. Che Husna Azhari and his daughter, Assoc. Prof. Madya Wan Mohtar, Prof. Willem F. Stevens, Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, and Ms. Ann Lopez-Fontanilla of School of Civil Engineering.

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Laos
June 4, 2002: H.E. Dr. Siene Saphangthong, Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Laos and his family, accompanied by Dr. Phouang Parisak Pravongviengkham, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Laos, visited AIT.

At the luncheon hosted by AIT, photo shows H.E. Dr. Siene Saphangthong (left) discussing with Prof. Jean-Louis Armand (right), AIT President. Also in the photo are from left: the wife and daughter of the Minister; Prof. Gothom Arya, Registrar; and Dr. Phouang Parisak Pravongviengkham.
Ministry of Education, Human Resources Development and Cultural Affairs,
Sri Lanka

June 5, 2002: Mr. Nihal Cooray, Director General, National Authority on Teacher Education, Ministry of Education, HRD and Cultural Affairs, Sri Lanka, visited AIT, following the visit of Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President
and Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe to Sri Lanka in May 2002.

During his visit, Mr. Cooray met AIT administration and AIT Extension
to make the confirmation from the Ministry of Education on AIT proposal for
a 3- month training program on Computer Hardware and Educational Software Development. for a group of 20-25 Ministry officials. This training will be conducted by AIT Extension.

Mr. Cooray also discussed with Dr. Charoon Chirapaisarnkul, Director of IT, AIT Extension; Dr. Wiboon Boonyatharokul, Director of ARIM, AIT Extension; and Mr. Matthew Laszewski, Director of LED, AIT Extension.

Mr. Cooray toured the facilities and discussed future training programs as well.
The meeting was arranged /coordinated by Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Office of the President

Photo shows AIT President, Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, left, welcoming Mr. Nihal Cooray.
Delegation from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Japan
June 6, 2002: Dr. Shuichi Tashiro, Director for Asia e-Learning, Commerce and Information Policy Bureau, with the delegation from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Japan, discussed the proposal with AIT administration to serve as a content provider for the Asia e-Learning Initiative. AIT has a regional network. METI plans to set up the standardization in order to be widely used if the educational contents follow the standardization.

AIT also showed its interest to be a member of the Advanced Learning Infrastructure Consortium (ALIC), supported by METI.. ALIC is a private-leading consortium of industry, the government and academe to provide a learning environment which enables anyone to learn at anytime and from anywhere, according to the goals, pace, interests and understanding of individuals and groups. ALIC, established on April 6, 2000, plans to expand the network by including the international organizations as members of the consortium.

Photo shows Dr. Shuichi Tashiro (second from left) at the meeting with AIT Administration, led by AIT President, Prof. Jean-Louis Armand (third from left).