Co-Directors for Professional Programs at AIT

To complete the line up of the four recently established
Director positions under the Office of the Vice President for Academic
Affairs to oversee new highly promising initiatives, AIT President Said
Irandoust, ormalized the appointment of  Dr. Mark
Neal, Associate Professor
in the School of
Management (SOM), as Co-Director for Professional Programs at AIT,
along with Mr. Nicholas Innes-Taylor who oversees the Wetlands
Alliance Program in the northeast of Thailand and Laos.  Their
initial appointment period began
1 October 2008,
serving until 30 June 2009.  They are expected to coordinate
and oversee existing professional programs at AIT, serve as the contact
persons and will be in-charge of related coordination both within AIT
and with partner universities, as well as support the development of
new professional programs in collaboration with AIT field of study


Nicholas Innes-Taylor on
site in Laos during a goat raising initiative
through the Poverty Reduction & Agricultural Management via
Wetlands Alliance Program.

Dr. Mark Neal
specializes in cross-cultural management,
gender and organizations, leadership and the sociology
of business as an associate professor of the School of Management at