Energy consumption increases throughout first quarter
AIT's energy bill indicates that there has been a steady increase in the total consumption in the first quarter of the year. From 2.89 million baht in January, consumption jumped by 18 percent in February at 3.41 million baht. In March, 3.98 million baht was spent on energy which is a 17 percent increase from the preceding month. This figure covers the campus-wide energy consumption, including the concessionaires, AIT Conference Center and the Housing Unit.
Among the top 10 energy consumers, the School of Engineering and Technology ranked first, accounting to almost 14 percent of the total consumption. It was followed closely by School of Environment, Resources and Development. The Conference Center is the third largest user spending 190,000 baht on energy in March.
Since the schools/units vary widely in size which largely affects their usage of electricity, the consumption per square meter is also provided here as a guide for comparison. Data show that although Internet Education and Research Laboratory (intERLab) places 10th in the rank of the biggest spenders, it has the highest consumption per square meter. With a floor area of only 808 square meter, intERLab spends 36,621 baht on energy, or 45 baht per square meter. The School of Management, the smallest school in terms of floor area, ranks second only to intERLab in consumption per square meter.
For detailed information on the energy consumption, copy of the utility charges can be requested from the manager of Building and Facilities Maintenance Unit (BFMU).
You may view the tabulated and graphical data of the March 2006 energy consumption from the website of the Infrastructure Office at