From left: Ms. Teresita M. Padilla, Coordinator, Academic Networking Support, with Council Members Professor Mario T. Tabucanon, Dr. Tong-In Wongsothorn, Mr. Noritada Morita, and Dr. Chumnarn Pongsri.
GMSARN CoA held 8th meeting
The 8th Meeting of the GMSARN Council of Advisors (CoA) was held on September 26 at AIT. Council Members in attendance included Professor Mario T. Tabucanon, GMSARN Director and AIT Provost; Dr. Tong-In Wongsothorn, CoA Chairman and President of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University; Mr. Noritada Morita, President, Asia Strategy Forum; and, Dr. Chumnarn Pongsri, Director, Environment Division, Mekong River Commission. Among the points discussed at the meeting were preparations for the 5th Joint Meeting of the GMSARN International Board and Council of Advisors to be held on November 15, 2003 at Hanoi University of Technology; establishment of GMSARN Working Groups; and findings to-date of the needs analysis study on GMSARN member institutions.