Carbon Neutrality Initiative with UNEP

Carbon Neutrality Initiative with UNEP

Mr. Surendra Shrestha, Director UNEP-RRC.AP Office (also UNEP Regional Director for Asia Pacific) and with AIT President Said Irandoust on 27 April, discussed UNEP's proposal for AIT to partner with them on a carbon neutrality initiative on campus. As part of the partnership, they are considering the Outreach Building as a pilot project. UNEP has conducted a detailed study of the Outreach Building and the carbon neutrality drive would enable improved thermal, lighting, visual, and acoustic comfort, in addition to better indoor air quality, all pursuing environmentally sound strategies and implementing energy efficient procedures. UNEP has offered to provide the initial seed money for undertaking the initiative with expected matching contributions to be made by some of AIT's other partners with offices in the Outreach Building.

According to AIT President, this important initiative is a most timely and relevant undertaking and in which AIT can play an important role in partnership with UNEP, serving as a platform for the region. AIT has already launched other similar initiatives such as the 3R project, which can also be linked to a campus-wide initiative once the pilot project is complete.