The Delegation of the Ministry of Education and Training Viet Nam
September 24-28, 2002: Six delegations from the Ministry of Education and Training of Viet Nam (MOET), led by Professor Vu Van Tuong, Deputy Director of Post-graduate Department, paid an official visit to AIT on the invitation of AIT President, Professor Jean-Louis Armand. The purpose of this visit was to exchange views and ideas, and to find ways and means to strengthen the cooperation between the two institutions. Topics of mutual interest and concern are:
- Continuation of MOET scholarships for two-phase programs at AITVN and AIT.
- MOET scholarships for Vietnamese students who already passed national examinations and selected AIT/AITVN to continue their graduate studies.
- Doctoral scholarships for excellent Master graduates.
- Fellowships for young Vietnamese lecturers to teach at AIT.
- AIT partial scholarships supplemented by MOET scholarships.
- Bursary of Vietnamese students to be in tune with cost of living in Bangkok.
MOET delegation consists of the following persons:
- Professor Vu Van Tuong, Deputy Director of Post-graduate Department
- Ms. Tran Kim Bao, Human Resources Department
- Mr. Dam Hieu Thang, Planning and Financial Department
- Mr. Nguyen Van Hai, Higher Education department
- Mr. Bui Van Thong, Administration Department
- Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Tam, International Relations Department
From left: Dr. Nguyen Lanh, AIT-VN; Prof. Vu Van Truong, Deputy Director of Post-graduate Department; Prof. Jean-Louis Armand; and Prof. Nguyen Cong Thanh, Director of AIT-VN.
From left: Dr. Nguyen Lanh, AIT-VN; Prof. Vu Van Truong, Deputy Director of Post-graduate Department; Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President; Prof. Nguyen Cong Thanh, Director of AIT-VN; Prof. Pham Minh Dung of Computer Science and Information Management, School of Advanced Technologies; Dr. Anulark Techanitisawad, Institute Secretary of AIT; and Prof. Gothom Arya, Registrar.
From right: Dr. Tran Kim Bao of Human Resources Department; Mrs. Nguyen Thi Minh Tam of International Relations Department; Mr. Bui Van Thong of Administration Department; Mr. Nguyen Van Hai of Higher Education Department; Mr. Dam Hieu Thang of Planning and Financial Department; and Mr.Tran Duc Thang, an AIT Research Associate.
Prof. Vu Van Tuong, Deputy Director of Post-graduate Department, is seen being presented an AIT souvenir from Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President.
Students from Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
October 1, 2002: Twenty-one students from Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, visited AIT to learn more about research and studies carried out in the field of remote sensing in Thailand and Asia.