Issue No. 10
22 AUGUST 2000
A. Welcome
The Provost, the Acting Chair, welcomed members and invitees present. He informed the RPC members that the President is currently on overseas engagement and extended apology on his behalf. The Provost noted the few attendance and requested the RPC members who have not been attending RPC meetings recently to actively participate in the reform process.
B. Review and Approval of the 25 July 2000 RPC Report
Members reviewed and approved the draft report of the 25 July 2000 RPC Meeting, which will incorporate comments and suggestions made at the meeting.
C. Matters Arising from the 25 July 2000 Meeting
1. The nomenclature 'Voluntary Early Retirement Scheme' was proposed to be revisited in consideration of a suggestion to call it instead as 'Early End of Employment Scheme'. A member commented that if a new name will be adopted, the age limit of 50 should not be a requirement anymore, while another member preferred to use the earlier name, which to her knowledge, is the commonly used term by other companies and organizations.
In comparison to the former early retirement scheme, the Provost affirmed that the new proposed scheme has raised the minimum compensation package from 15% to 45% with lesser variability, and took into account the years of service to the Institute. The scheme will be officially announced in the first week of September and applications will be invited from all AIT staff from then on, but approval of applications will be at the discretion of the administration.
2. Dean Worsak reported that the internal working group chaired by Dean Phien, which was mandated to formulate the Terms of Reference for the external reviewer of Internet services, has already fulfilled its task. The RCC Director was requested by Dean Phien to report the working group's accomplishment to the Provost.
3. The Reform Implementation Committee was of the opinion that CLET staff could most effectively discharge its functions if they are kept as a group. Hence, they should remain together whatever status CLET will attain in the future.
4. With regards to the new outreach umbrella to be set up, which may be named AIT Extension or any other appropriate nomenclature, relevant P&P; statements will be formulated that will be applicable to all non-degree training activities in collaboration with Schools and other units. The possibility of amalgamating some units is also under discussion in light of the functions of AIT Extension. A well-thought out plan will be devised on how the Institute could smoothly and efficiently move into the successful establishment of this extension.
D. Progress on the Reform Implementation Committee Meetings
The Provost informed members that the second round of RIC meetings with various units would be completed in the middle of August. A full report will be produced and be made available to RSC, RPC and eventually to the Board and Board Committees in their September 2000 meetings.
Though not originally targeted by the Action Plan, the Child Center - Playschool was included in the review of RIC as part of the campus-wide service units. The Provost reported the following:
Child Center - Playschool
Within the purview of the campus-wide services, the Child Center -Playschool should operate as non-profit making, hence, have to discontinue further admission of children of non-AITians. The current financial sustainability of the Child Center - Playschool hinges mainly on tuition fees from the children of non-AITians. During this fiscal year, the Child Center will be incurring a surplus but the Playschool will be in deficit. Cross subsidization between the two units will be allowed for this year to maintain sustainability but this should not be permitted from the next fiscal year onwards.
With the impending completion of Science & Technology Park, Thammasat University through its Faculty of Education has the potential to develop a Demonstration School in English to cater to the needs of expatriate employees of companies to be located there, as well as the AIT students, faculty and staff. Children of AITians might enroll in the Demonstration School for classes from Grades 1 to 6 in accord between AIT and TU, which should be immediately initiated by the AIT administration.
For the next round of consultation, the Manager was requested to develop a five-year business plan for the Child Center - Playschool including annual financial projections and manpower plan.
E. Next Meeting
The next meeting of RPC will be held on 22 August 2000 at 11:00 a.m. in the Board Room, Administration Building.