Call for Proposals
APFED Showcase Programme for Sustainable Development
The APFED Showcase Programme aims to support projects that promote innovative policies, measures, and actions for sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region as recommended by the APFED Final Report.
The Programme will provide a grant of up to US$ 30,000 to each sustainable development project to showcase innovative approaches to support the development, implementation, monitoring, and information dissemination of innovative policies, measures and actions for promoting sustainable development in the region.
All the proposals must be submitted to the APFED Showcase Facility Secretariat at the following address either by post, email, or fax. All proposals should be received by the Showcase Facility Secretariat NO LATER THAN 15 JULY 2007.
Please send to: APFED Showcase Facility Secretariat
c/o Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific,
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/ROAP)
United Nations Bldg., Rajdamnern Ave. Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Fax: +66-2-280-3829
Further inquiries
For any further inquiries concerning the Showcase Programme, please contact the following persons:
The APFED Showcase Facility Secretariat
Ms. Aretha Aprilia
UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP/ROAP)
Fax: +66-2-280-3829
Web site: